Writing Review Papers for Journals

Writing Different Types of Reviews for Publishing in Medical Journal(s)

Cloud Manuscript Writing Service (For Medical Journals Only) offers writing services for different types of reviews article. For a journal, review articles are very important because each review has its own scope, methodology, and purpose. With advances in medical practices and fields of research thus reviews take place for summarizing existing knowledge that already has published in various journals. When clinicians want to update their knowledge and generate guidelines about a topic, they frequently use reviews as a starting point. A literature review could be a part of a research article or a stand-alone literature review article of a journal itself.

A review article is comprised with the outcomes of other published articles. It does not report original research. Thus, Review articles generally summarize the existing literature on a topic in an attempt to explain the current state of understanding on the topic. With continuous advancements in medical practices and research, reviews play a significant role to provide solutions in terms of methods and procedure to take care of large groups. Identifying and characterizing a review is essential to present a particular topic of interest. Selecting an appropriate type of review is not only helpful for readers, but also contributes to an evidence-based health care system by generating a clear understanding of a topic.

The following are some of the more common types of reviews.

  1. Literature Review: It includes experimental and non-experimental studies, as well as data from already published literature. It can be used to define concepts, analyze problems and review theories. In common words it is a starting point of any research topic, it can be a part of a research paper basically it describes what related research has already been conducted, how it informs the research, and how the research fits into the research in the field.

  2. Critical Review: It is like a literature review, but requires a more detailed examination of the literature, in order to compare and evaluate a number of perspectives. Its main focus is an analysis using appropriate criteria such as strengths, weaknesses or validity of cited resources. After reading such reviews, a reviewer will be able to make a judgment about a topic. This will help to lead to an evaluation of newly developed concepts, typically resulting in the formation of a hypothesis.

  3. Scoping Review: To evaluate and assess the potential size and scope of available literature on a particular topic, a scoping review is needed. The purpose of a scoping review is to identify the nature and extent of resources available, including ongoing research. It reveals the undiscovered areas for further research to have a better understanding of the subject.

  4. Systematic Review: The Systematic Review is important to health care and medical trials and other subjects where methodology and data are important. Systematic Review is a synthesis of the existing studies and investigations (published and unpublished) that focus on a certain research question. It usually includes only quantitative studies although some sources suggest that it can include both quantitative and qualitative studies.

  5. Meta-analysis Review: The Quantitative or Qualitative Meta-analysis Review can both make up the whole or part of a systematic review(s). Both are thorough and comprehensive in condensing and making sense of a large body of research. The quantitative meta-analysis reviews quantitative research, is objective, and includes statistical analysis. The qualitative meta-analysis reviews qualitative research, is subjective (or evaluative, or interpretive), and identifies new themes or concepts.

    Cochrane Library is considered the gold standard for meta-analysis. It is probably the most distinguished source of research that relates to medical sciences and can help practitioners make evidence-based decisions.

    A Note for Those Looking to Publish: Editors often lean towards accepting a meta-analysis article, as it will likely yield more citations for their journal.

    In short, the meta-analysis and the integrative review can be considered as two forms of systematic literature review. The first step of every meta-analysis is a systematic review. However, a systematic review doesn’t need to include a meta-analysis. While the meta-analysis and the systematic review usually focus on quantitative studies, integrative review often includes a broader spectrum of research.

  6. Mapping Review/Systematic Map: This review type aims to map out and classify existing studies on a particular topic. As a scoping review, it also identifies potential gaps, thus creating ideas for further review or suggesting a new topic for research. It differs from scoping review, as the primary outcome is not known beforehand, and subsequent outcomes will lead to further review or primary research on a particular topic.

  7. Meta-Synthesis: It includes a rigorous systematic methodology that includes multiple qualitative studies that evaluate, interpret and transform these study findings to synthesize new conceptualizations and interpretations that could be used for EBM. It does require studies to be similar in their criterion and phenomenon. A good meta-synthesis should provide clear descriptions about each step of its methodology to be effective for EBM. While a Meta-analysis of qualitative data aims to determine the effect of numerical findings with mathematical precision, a meta-synthesis aims for determining, describing, interpreting and transforming data that explain a particular phenomenon.

  8. Realist Review: A realist review deals with complex interventions, their outcomes, study settings and designs. It aims to seek an explanatory focus, through a theory-driven, qualitative mixed-method approach towards a systematic review. A realist review discovers and identifies the reasons for thriving or failing of a complex intervention in a particular setting, thus helping in the development and understanding of a particularly complex social intervention.

  9. Umbrella Reviews (Review of Reviews): When compiling and extracting outcomes from multiple reviews, a review of reviews is needed. In literature, many topics have multiple systematic reviews with varying degrees of quality and scope. Thus, a review of reviews is needed to finalize into a single document where the results of multiple reviews can be compared, thus making it easier for the decision-maker.

Our Subject Expert Writers are willing to write all types of reviews paper which include Systematic Review, Meta-analysis Review, Literature Review, Critical Review, Scoping Review, Mapping Review, Meta-Synthesis, Realist Review, and Umbrella Reviews Papers for journals in a health and medical care system.

How it works?

We specially hire epidemiologists, Biostatisticians, Clinical Data Experts and academicians for data analysis and writing a complete Review Articles for journals.

  • Step1: Dedicated expert team members will review the literature, data sets, supporting materials and guidelines provided by the client. After receiving the full supporting materials and proper screening of the data sets, the estimation cost will be communicated to the client.
  • Step 2: After receiving the fee, the data sets assigned to our expert Bio-Statistician or to an Epidemiologist. An expert will summarize the data and will conduct and analyze the data using SAS, R, MATLAB, SPSS, SPSS Meta-Analysis, STATA, 6sense, Oracle Crystal Ball, or through any specific software where the project has special requirements.
  • Step 3: Supporting Materials such as reference papers (If the client wants to include them into the manuscript), tables, graphs, charts etc assigned to the Subject Expert Writer (All our Medical subject expert writers are MD/MS/PhD and having academic and clinical research experience). The writer will draft the manuscript and will prepare it as per the suggested journal guidelines if any.
  • Step 4: Subject Expert writer will include the outcomes of the datasets and will finalize the first draft of the paper.
  • Step 5: First draft will be sent to the client for approval and as per client suggestions Subject expert Writer will write the final draft of the paper.

Our Writing Standards and Ethics for Review Papers:

  • Writing for Peer Review-Journal(s): Cloud Manuscript Writing Service dedicatedly for Peer Review Journals only.
  • Language: Our Services are limited to English Language (UK/US) only. But translation services are also available on request only.
  • Ethics: We are committed to following the highest standards of research, editorial, and publication ethics and follows international guidelines, procedures, and policies.
  • Zero Percent Plagiarism: We strictly obey the zero percent plagiarism policy.
  • Literature Search: A broad search strategy will be used to ensure that all relevant studies are identified. No filters will be included in the searches. The following databases will be searched: PubMed and Google Scholar. We will look through the reference lists of the included studies and other relevant published reviews in the field.
  • Guidelines for Reporting: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) is very essential and a helpful guide to improving reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
  • Comprehensive Literature Search Engines: Our experts do a detailed search required for the topic so that no facts should be skipped to include in the review. Majorly, published papers and also abstracts are the prime referred resources to make the review. Generally, we use the electronic databases to search the relevant published papers such as PubMed Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, ISI Web of Knowledge, CENTRAL, and Scirus.


Policies: We refer to the appropriate checklists according to the type of manuscript and comply with their guidelines:

Time-Line: Writing a review paper is a lengthy task which includes various methods from data search, data formulations, and formulation of researchable questions, disclosure of studies, evaluation of its quality, methods interpretation, and synthesis of outcomes and finally preparing the draft. Thus, it takes 50 days to 70 days for writing a final review.

Revisions: We Offer Unlimited Revisions

Targeted Journal Writing: Cloud Manuscript Writing Service commits to writing a top-quality paper which meets the standards and criteria for impact factor journals and Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed and highly indexing sites.

How to Start:

Researchers/Authors can send the manuscript overview, topic, related research documents, and results towards writing a manuscript in doc. /docx. format and requirements if any such as institutional guidelines, journal guidelines etc. to info@cloudpublications.org

How to Contact: Please send your queries relating to cloud manuscript writing service to info@cloudpublications.org or head@cloudpublications.org

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